Category: Network

June 26, 2024

Beyond Collaboration: RIT Visits UC Davis Campus

By Diana Rodriguez Alberto Earlier this year when planning for our trip to Sacramento for the 2024 North American Biochar conference, Tom and I saw the perfect opportunity to visit […]

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June 11, 2024

AU Award Winners for Wasted Food Education

Hannah Jardine (fifth from the left) is presented the Staff & Faculty Collaboration Award by AU executive cabinet members. RECIPES Fellow & AU professorial lecturer Kristine Beran and the AU Center for […]

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April 17, 2024

Bite Sized Nutrition Banter

Amelia Rowniewski, a first-year public health major at American University (AU), delivered a presentation titled ‘Bite Sized Nutrition Banter’ at the Mathias Student Research Conference on April 6th. The research […]

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September 1, 2023

RIT National Technical Institute for the Deaf Launches RECIPES D/HH Student Research Immersions

Photos: (L-R) RIT students Hannah DeFelice, Gibran Perez, and Emerson Bartsch (pictured with advisor Diana Rodriguez Alberto) presented results of their projects at the RIT National Technical Institute of the […]

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June 6, 2023

Closing the Loop: Food Waste Prevention Pathways for Chicago

In the spring of 2023, RECIPES researchers Weslynne Ashton, Maura Shea, and Azra Sungu ran a workshop at Illinois Tech with stakeholders in food waste prevention in Chicago to rethink […]

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April 23, 2023

NEW REPORT: Household food waste trending upwards in the United States

Households waste more food than any other supply chain segments in the US – about 66.5 million tons of waste! US officials recognized this problem when they committed to halving food loss and waste by 2030 under the Obama administration in 2015.

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September 19, 2022

Could little snacks reduce food waste? 

PEELS (Packaging Evolving and Encasing Little Snacks). Using a convergence framework, students Claire and Ariella brought together different backgrounds (sustainability science and industrial design) to explore the potential of a biopolymer made from fruit and vegetable peels as a food packaging alternative to plastic.

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September 29, 2021

Welcome to Multiscale RECIPES for Sustainable Food Systems!

Multiscale RECIPES for Sustainable Food Systems is a $15 million, five-year project funded by the National Science Foundation with 14 institutions and over 40 researchers that will work across academic disciplines and with community members, front-line workers in different food industries, and relevant stakeholders in non-profit, government and private sectors to bring sustainability and resilience to America’s local, regional and national food systems.

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