About Us
RECIPES is a research network bringing together over 40 researchers and 15 institutions connected with organizations working across the food system to advance the science needed to make our wasteful food system sustainable, equitable, and resilient. Launched on October 1, 2021, the first five years of our work are supported through NSF award #2115405
- Sauleh Siddiqui
- Annie Claus
- Garrett Graddy-Lovelace
- Malini Ranganathan
- Anastasia Snelling
- Jessica Gephart
- Kiho Kim
- Tambra Stevenson
- Alissa Kendall
- Ned Spang
- Susan Verba
- Weslynne Ashton
- Norbert Wilson
- Lee Davis
- Celeste Chavis
- Mansoureh Jeihani
- Young-Jae Lee
- Jessye Talley
- Pete Pearson
- Callie Babbitt
- Tom Trabold
- Nathan Eddingsaas
- Todd Pagano
- Christy Tyler
- Kaitlin Stack Whitney
- Brian Roe
- Monica Cox
- Yongyang Cai
- Megan Konar
- Melissa Prescott
- Roni Neff
- Meg Burke
- Nicole Labruto
- John Apolzan
- Corby Martin
- Xin (Shane) Li
- Christine Bozlak
- Beth Feingold
- Akiko Hosler
- Xiaobo Romeiko
- Brenna Ellison
Map based on Co-PI Konar’s work on food flows supported by NSF Grants: ACI-1639529, EAR-1534544, CBET-1844773. Cite as: Lin, X., Ruess, P. J., Marston, L., & Konar, M. (2019). Food flows between counties in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 14(8), 084011.
Network Coordination Team
Program Manager, RECIPES,
American University
Maryland Institute College of Art
American University
University of California, Davis
Maryland Institute College of Art
American University
Maryland Institute College of Art
Maryland Institute College of Art
American University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Duke University
Rochester Institute of Technology
American University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Maryland Institute College of Art
American University
Director of Procurement and Sustainability,
DC Central Kitchen
Professor, The Columbia Climate School
Director, Food for Humanity Initiative
Chief of Staff and Operations Manager,
Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Florida
Assistant Research Professor,
School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University