
Elisa Alarcon Marin
Maryland Institute College of Art
John Apolzan
Assistant Professor-Research, Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Weslynne Ashton
Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology
Michael Awotoye
Morgan State University
Callie Babbitt
Co-Director, RECIPES, Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Kristine Beran
RECIPES Fellow and Professional Lecturer, American University
Joe Bozeman
RECIPES BIE Fellow and Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Christine Bozlak
Associate Professor, University at Albany State University of New York
Meg Burke
Community of Practice Manager, Johns Hopkins University
Yongyang Cai
Associate Professor, Ohio State University
Celeste Chavis
Co-Director, RECIPES, Interim Associate Dean, Morgan State University
Kristina Chomiak
Rochester Institute of Technology
Michael Chukwurah
Morgan State University
Anne Claus
Assistant Professor, American University
Kas Claussen
Monica Cox
Professor, Ohio State University
Margarita Cozzan
Johns Hopkins University
Jack Daly
Research Manager, Duke Sanford World Food Policy Center
Lee Davis
Co-Director of Center for Social Design, Maryland Institute College of Art
Alicia DeBruin
American University
Grace Dehner
American University
Beth Dowdy
American University
Nathan Eddingsaas
Associate Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Charis Edwards
Evaluation Coordinator, Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities
Brenna Ellison
Associate Professor, Purdue University
Steffanie Espat
Co-Design Lead, Center for Social Design, Maryland Institute College of Art
Beth Feingold
Associate Professor, University at Albany State University of New York
Rafer Friedman
American University
Jessica Gephart
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Carisse Geronimo
University of California, Davis
Garrett Graddy-Lovelace
Associate Professor, American University
Kaitlyn Harper
Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins University
Matthew Hartings
Co-Director, RECIPES, Associate Professor, American University
Katie Hausman
American University
Pepsi Holmquist
Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Renee Hong
Livingston High School
Darby Hoover
Darby Hoover
Senior Resource Specialist, Natural Resources Defense Council
Akiko Hosler
Associate Professor, University at Albany State University of New York
Sarah Irvine Belson
Professor, American University
Hannah Jardine
Teaching & Learning Specialist, American University
Mansoureh Jeihani
Professor, Morgan State University
Junyoung Jeong
Ohio State University
Jordan Johnson
Md Muhib Kabir
Morgan State University
Sarah Kakadellis
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis
Alexa Kaminski
Rochester Institute of Technology
Alissa Kendall
Professor, University of California, Davis
Kiho Kim
Professor, American University
Ariella Knight
Megan Konar
Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nicole Labruto
Assistant Research Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Yulia Lamoureaux
University of California, Davis
Young-Jae Lee
Professor, Morgan State University
Katie Lessard
American University
Xin (Shane) Li
Professor, Texas A&M University
Ran Li
Ohio State University
Siyu Li
University at Albany State University of New York
Yansong Li
University of California, Davis
Peter Locher
American University
Katie Malarkey
Rochester Institute of Technology
Corby Martin
Professor, Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Robin McClave
Program Director, Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities
Janie Moore
RECIPES BIE Fellow and Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
Tianhong Mu
University at Albany State University of New York
Roni Neff
Co-Director, RECIPES, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Alex Nichols-Vinueza
Director, Food Loss & Waste, World Wildlife Fund
Julia Norman
American University
Winifred Opoku
Ohio State University
Todd Pagano
Associate Dean, Rochester Institute of Technology
Jennifer Park
Rochester Institute of Technology
Pete Pearson
Senior Director, Food Loss and Waste, World Wildlife Fund
Melissa Pflugh Prescott
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Malini Ranganathan
Associate Professor, American University
Ava Richardson
Johns Hopkins University
Diana Rodriguez Alberto
Postdoctoral Fellow, Rochester Institute of Technology
Brian Roe
Co-Director, RECIPES, Van Buren Professor, Ohio State University
Xiaobo Romeiko
Associate Professor, University at Albany State University of New York
Catherine Rowen
Rochester Institute of Technology
Amelia Rowniewski
American University
Gabriela Sarmiento
Johns Hopkins University
Maura Shea
Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology
Sauleh Siddiqui
Professor, American University
Adam Simpson
RECIPES BIE Fellow and Assistant Professor, University of Southern California
Anastasia Snelling
Professor, American University
Ned Spang
Associate Professor, University of California, Davis
Kaitlin Stack Whitney
Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tambra Stevenson
PhD Student and founder of WANDA, American University
Azra Sungu
Illinois Institute of Technology
Sanjana Sureshbabu
American University
Jessye Talley
Assistant Professor, Morgan State University
Tiruwork Tibebu
Postdoctoral Fellow, American University
Antoaneta Tileva
Professorial Lecturer, American University
Maddie Tlachac
Mariana Torres Arroyo
University at Albany State University of New York
Tom Trabold
Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Christy Tyler
Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Susan Verba
Professor, UC Davis; Director, Center for Design in the Public Interest
Rodhy Vixamar
Lauren Walter
Corey Welcher
Johns Hopkins University
Benjamin Wenig
American University
Malcolm Williams
American University
Norbert Wilson
Professor, Duke University
Amanda Wood
Visiting Scholar, Duke University
Di Yang
Assistant Professor, Morgan State University